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Basic Site Navigation

If you move your mouse over the "Chandelier Shop" banner above, links like those below will be revealed. If they do not, clicking the banner areas delineated by the blue lines below will take you to the corresponding page (the image below links to nothing use the banner at the top of the page).

    Clicking the images on either side of this page (or the "Showroom" button above) will take you to the Showroom. Once you are in a Showroom clicking an image along the side will bring that chandelier into the center so you can see a larger picture and read the description and price, as well as order or customize it. To see an even larger picture click "The Big Picture" button. There are many showrooms and you move from one to the other by clicking the "<< Showroom x" button at the top left of any showroom or the "Showroom x >>" button at the top right.


My Showroom

    In any showroom simply click the name tag immediately to the right of the featured chandelier (the center picture). This is a convenient way for you to save the chandeliers that you are interested in as a group. Then, instead of having to remember where you saw the ones you liked, simply click the "My Showroom" button and the chandeliers you added will all be there (up to nine). Also while you are there you can send a link to your collection of favorites to a friend by clicking the "Tell a Friend" button (any information you send this way is not seen or used by us so your privacy and that of your friend is assured, it is simply a convenience for you).

    If your question is still not answered or you are having difficulty with the site please Contact Us.


crystal chandelier crystal chandelier
crystal chandelier crystal chandelier


You can create your own showroom, while browsing through our showrooms, simply click the name-tag of any chandelier you like and it will be added to your personal showroom. Visit your showroom at any time by clicking the [My Showroom] button.
For a quick and easy way for you to send someone (even yourself) a link to the page you are on use [Tell a Friend]

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This site and its contents ©2000 Interior Construction's Chandelier Shop
(770) 735-3638     4729 Waleska Hwy 108    Jasper, GA 30143        

(due to excessive spamming, there is no longer a clickable email link)

Site created and maintained by Doolang Design